Oct 18, 2013

UBC Day 18 - Job hunt - 16

Continued from Part 15 - Baby.

To find the entire story so far, please check Mid month blog roll


Once again girls sat at a relatively quiet corner of the café and sipped their drink. Her daughter was two and a half months now and today was the first evening she was out without her. When Deepti called in to tell that three of them were meeting, and she should join, her mother pushed her too.

They discussed random stories about workplaces, families and life. Most of the conversation revolved around naming the young one. Ritika was recently engaged and Shriya was a mother of a one and half year old child. Shriya helped her with several tips to parenting.

Listening to girls talk about family, Priya couldn’t stop thinking about her daughter’s future. Her family will never be complete. She won’t have the answer to the question, “where is her father?” She thought of her and the word they used for such children, “Illegitimate”. She knew a worst term, but she couldn’t dare to let it appear on her tongue.

“So have you started tuitions?” Ritika asked, bringing Priya out of her trance.

“Umm...no” Priya shrugged. Then she thought and replied with a more appropriate answer. “Actually next exams are far off. Students are generally less interested in these days. Also, I haven’t had time. Now I think I’ll actually look for a full time job.”

“Are you sure you are ready?” Deepti asked.

Priya nodded. She had spoken to her mother about it. She was more than happy to keep the baby and family needed some money. Priya knew tuitions will never be enough.

“Have you applied somewhere?” Shriya questioned.

“Yes, at a couple of places. But you know how it is; no one talks about an opening without any reference.” Priya replied, thinking of all the negative replies that she had received.

Later that night, Deepti gave a brief account of her outing to Harsh while he chatted about his team dinner. When she mentioned that Priya is looking for job, Harsh asked her to ask Priya to forward her CV, his company was hiring and her profile would fit in perfectly.

The very next morning, Deepti informed Priya and by afternoon, Harsh had her CV.

By the month end, Priya was scheduled for an interview at one of India’s best organizations in her field. 

It seems happiness has finally found it's way to Priya's life. Do you think so too? Or it's temporary?


  1. Interesting read! I think she will have to prove her capabilities in the interview!

  2. Interesting and heart touching read. I lived in Abu Dhabi for many years and met so many people from India, learning a bit of culture, traditions, etc. I loved it. I l also oved reading this and bless you to write more and more from your heart. :)

  3. Hope she gets that job! Yes, she deserves all the happiness :)

  4. Hope she gets the job and everything works out for her. She has been through a lot! ♥

  5. She deserves that job!

  6. She definitely deserves her share of happiness but happiness is a sweet dish which finishes off even before you starting relishing it.The story is proceeding at a good and intersting pace.


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