Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Apr 9, 2014

Reviews A to Z – Buy them a gift from Happily Unmarried

When I have to buy a gift for a brother, buddy, a colleague, a batchmate I often think of in terms of buying something for their house (read wives or moms). However, there is a whole bunch of world out there which does not live in a house that can accommodate anything delicate (read they are bachelors/live alone)

Now – birthday parties, farewell gift, secret santa, house warming (which is most often, since they are usually thrown out after every 11 months), etc. although there aren’t many occasions, but gifting options for single men are scarce. I guess by now I can relate to all you girls and boys who ever went out shopping.

I have roamed around malls, aimlessly looking at wallets (not right choice), bags (too expensive), perfume (too personal), clothes (imperfect size) for hours whenever I have had to buy a gift for this special category of people. Until recently when I found this store named Happily Unmarried.

Happily unmarried is a funky store which makes pretty much everything that a single guy can need (you can include some of girl’s necessities too). Apparel, bar accessories, stationary, home stuff, etc. are designed out of either waste or to look like waste, perfect to go with a house which is more than half waste.

For example – for my sister’s boyfriend I bought a set of four coffee mugs with some funny prints. For my brother, I bought a welcome mat. For another friend I bought an ashtray. So yes I am pretty much a regular shopper there.

An ashtray
Coffee mugs

Well! My experience with this store has been quite good. Even though I have not used anything from them, a little of merchandising background in me can vouch for good quality.

They have a few stores around Delhi and have tied up with several stores across India. Also, they have their own webstore. You can check it out at - 

A big thumbs up for the store.

Linking it to UBC and A to Z challenge.

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