Sep 30, 2013

Day 30 – Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

For this special day (special because it is the last day of my 30 day project), I searched and searched for a special book and delayed the post by another two days (the 30 day project turned out to be a 50 day project) but in the end my Goodreads list came handy.

Persepolis is the only book I hadn’t reviewed amongst the Top rated books on Goodreads shelf. Also, it is different than any other book that I have read/reviewed.

Persepolis is a memoir of Marjane Satrapi in form of comic-strips when she narrates her growing up years in Iran. It beautifully describes growing up in Iranian Revolution with simple yet powerful strips.
It describes the culture, the child’s views on emperors and impact of war and politics on human life.

Why I love Persepolis is because it managed to tell us so much in so little words. It is engrossing and funny, yet sad and thoughtful. It is one of the best sad stories written light heartedly. I love Persepolis because it is one of a kind. I love it because the comic strips re amazingly cute and powerful.

Persepolis is a must read. 5 out of 5 stars to this book.


  1. Interesting storyline Sugandha, post reading your blog, I have added it to my reading list. And congratulations on successfully completing your 30 day book review program :)

    1. Thank You Mukulika...and a special thank for congratulating...after my sleepless nights I am so happy that someone finally congratulated.

  2. hey!! just catching up with loads of posts i missed :) great job on completing the program :) followed most of your posts..congrats!!


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