Sep 23, 2013

Day 26 - Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Here comes another guest post for my project 30 days 30 books (which has now become 60 days 30 books, and is coming to an end with Thanks to wonderful guest bloggers who helpfully contributed to complete the project)

Nikhil shares with us a review of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury on his blog called “Aficionado”. In his post he says – “I am so glad that I finally read Fahrenheit 451. FYI I read this book sometime back & had this review scribbled down minutes after I finished the book but never got a chance to post it .But now today’s the day. No more delay.”

In addition to the above he praises the book with - “Writing is crisp though. This book never feels as if you are reading a classic(in a “doesn’t bore you” sense) because it is so fresh & way ahead of its time that anybody who prefers staying away from classics can also give it a try.”

A little introduction to the guest – In his new yet notable blog Nikhil is doing wonderful job of writing about books and movies he’d like to read/view or has read/seen. He has his opinions and he puts them across gently. His blog carries a lot of pictures of the book/movie he is talking about.
Introducing his blog he says – “A little insight to things that i feel is worth sharing/reading or let say "Worthwhile reading" as we call it. A Slice of everything is what you tend to find...”

Coming back to the book – Had I not come across this review I would have completely missed out reviewing a wonderful book that I read years ago. One of my first classics, I highly recommend this book to all who think that the classics is not their choice.

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