Jul 11, 2013

The big fat Indian wedding...

Day 2 of my friend's wedding was full of music and dance. The Indian traditional music and dance. The details about that will come later.

However, today is the day of the big fat Indian wedding.
Venue - Jaypee palace and resort, Agra
Time- 11 am.

Let me first tell you that Indian weddings are just not an easy thing. Not even for a moment the groom and the bride can relax (not even family though). There are series of ceremonies and prayers to be offered. The hours long make up, pinned up heavy hair do and of course the ten kg dress.

So the madness for my friend started at 7am when the make up artist arrived.

Inputs and efforts of make up artist, photographer and of course the relatives drove her crazy for next three hours and got her ready as a bride.

The larger than life moment arrived when the groom and the bride reached the stage accompanied by professional dancers. The stage was set on the peacock theme. Flowers, music, lights and dancers made the atmosphere look like just out of dream.

On the set moment the couple exchanged the garlands and the feast began. A grand indian meal was set up for the family.

The wedding ceremony thus began post lunch. A beautiful wedding along with the music to accompany the ceremonies was the perfect moment each girl dreams.

Tired and with loads of mixed feelings we said good bye to the groom and my friend.


  1. the true picture of indian wedding :-)

  2. Seems like you are having a great moment there.. :-)

  3. Looks like fun time, there... :)

  4. Sounds like so much fun!! :)
    Friends' weddings are always a blast!

    1. Friends' wedding are better than family i feel...and best friends' are the best :)

  5. and you are keeping us updated as promised. this must be such a fun event. Last feb a friend of mine got married and I went mad dancing and having a gala time!


  6. Richa I can so understand that...I have spent entire day today sleeping and replying to my blog comments...


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