
Jul 2, 2013

What I write and why?

 I came across an impressive post about a blogger finding her niche in her writings. She knows what she blogs about and why. It impressed me to introspect about my own blogging habit.

I haven’t been an active promoter of my blog. I seldom post a link from my blog to my facebook (since auto import is no longer available).   However, that does not mean that I do not like it when people read and comment upon my blog.

There are various things that I write about. My topics vary from fiction to memoirs, 55 fiction to long episodes, encounters and experiences, my remarks and comments, emotions and reflections, etc.

I have tried to categorize my blog into a few pages, but I believe very soon I will either remove them or have too many to handle. (I keep contemplating about adding a miscellaneous tab)

So the question arises, “Why?” Why do I have to write or take up this challenge?

I have tried to think upon why I write...and here are the few reasons.

1. I write because many times I have an opinion but I need to keep my mouth shut. My blog helps me put my viewpoint across (not necessarily to the same people whom I do not agree, but to all). It helps me get reviews and feedback from others.

2. I write because I can express better on paper. It is a famous saying that words are like arrows, once spoken cannot be reversed. I, because of my ability to get super emotional or get carried away cannot comprehend best of sentences during a conversation. I tend to snap or make double meaning statements where the receiver often takes the bad or offending meaning to be true. When I write, I can edit, delete and re-write a sentence. I can express myself without getting confused.

3. I write because it keeps my grey cells active. Daily search of a topic to write about, finding words, building vocab and comprehension skills is challenging yet stimulating.

4. I write because it remains afterward. I often go back to read some of my archived mails and blogs and evaluate. I not only evaluate my progress as a writer but also as a human being. My blogs often help me to prove my point by just referring a post to someone than re-initiating the conversation I have already had with someone else.

5. There are several other reasons. I write because it is fun, challenging, interesting and personal. Everyone likes to be heard, and a few like to be read. I am of the latter category.  

I am yet to find what I like to write about the most, but till then I’d like to explore and try different things.

Post written as part of Ultimate blog challenge – Day 2


  1. Explore and keep Exploring and I am sure you will learn lots of Thing..That's the way of life..Explore and Learn..BTW your all 5 points are very good enough to keep on writing..

    1. Yeah trying to...lets hope I continue.

      Thank you for encouraging.

  2. I write because writing is therapeutic; because writing gives meaning to life.

    Great post! :)

  3. When I heard about blogging... I used to wonder how can a person write so much.... But when I started off... It is just in you... Just require a push..

    1. Like Rajat said, writing gives meaning to life...


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