
Jul 3, 2013

American Dream - Love, life and seeking happiness - Chapter 2

Shagird very well knew what it took to give up everything in order to pursue one's dream.

Born in a middle class Indian family in crowded lanes of Hyderabad, Shagird parents never dared to teach him to dream big. However, they had a dream of their own. They wanted Shagird to be an IAS officer, being a government officer was key to a good life as per his parents.

It was in his fifth grade that Shagird learnt about two things for the first time. He learnt the value of doctors to the society and he learnt about what America had to offer to his citizens.

Being the only son, it was Shagird's responsibility to fulfill his parents dream and of course live with them and help them in their old age. Therefore, when he first discussed his plans to study medical science to his parents, they discouraged him.
They argued that he was bright enough to be an IAS officer. And America?? That was out of discussion.
No matter what everyone said, nothing would move Shagird from his aim. As soon as he finished his school, he moved out. For four years he worked to obtain a complete scholarship to pursue his medical career in USA and then there was no looking back.
It was the same day as his scholarship when his father declared him "disowned"
Heartbroken yet headstrong, Shagird had moved to the nation of his dreams.
In next three years, he made no friends, many admirers and enemy. His solitude was not only his determination but also his compulsion.
Shagird was a man of few words. He was shy and quiet. His inability to be fluent in spoken English robbed him of many opportunities.
He missed his family, but it was his ego that didn't let him call them. He had absolutely no friends. He lived on campus and studied non-stop. During his training, he worked through long shifts day and night. It was during his final year of training he met Katrine.
A Norwegian, petite and extremely beautiful girl, Katrine was pursuing Fashion on West coast. She was there for a two month long internship and had landed in his hospital complaining of acute stomach pain.
Shagird for the first time found himself smitten and spell bound. Overcoming his initial challenges, he persuaded her till she agreed to meet him outside hospital.

For Shagird, it was his first time that he felt attracted and in love. He was ready to give everything he had, even his dream.

When a month and half later Katrine had to go back, he followed her. What next, he followed her to Norway when she decided to move back and join her mother's clothing line.

One year later, they decided to get married and the marriage was a disaster from day one.

Katrine was a free bird and Shagird was an overprotective male. He had the eastern world expectation from his wife which Katrine could not fulfill. They still managed together till the point Shagird wanted to start the family.

Due to Katrine’s lack of will to have children and her parent’s over involvement in their lives, Shagird decided to move out. Six months later, heartbroken from a painful and expensive divorce he returned to America. It was November of 2008, recession had just hit the country.


  1. loved this story :) waiting for the next part !

    1. Working on it! the ultimate blog challenge is a good reason to finish my story...


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