Jul 17, 2013

16 Days of UBC – Why it is leading me to being a gadget addict?

 Do not consider this post as a blame game. I love ultimate blog challenge. It is my first time that I took part in UBC and so far I have loved it. And importantly I’ll love it later too.

After all who doesn’t love people visiting the blog that we cherish and nurture like our babies? Especially, when the people who visit are first timers and are generous with comments.

I had a modest number of visitors to my blog till June. My poor blog was screaming for attention that it didn’t really get. There were even fewer comments.

However, when I signed up for the UBC, I committed to write a post daily and ready a few post everyday too. By the help of linky at Write tribe and UBC facebook page, I also shared my link every day.

It all sounds simple and easy. In these 16 days I had my regular office hours, a friend’s wedding to attend and my normal daily stuff to do.

I usually complain of back ache so I avoid carrying my laptop everywhere. But last 16 days I have carried my laptop wherever possible.

My Iphone, poor thing, the safari installed was hardly ever used for as long as I own it. In last 16 days, certain webpages (my blog dashboard, indiblogger dashboard, writetribe and facebook) are now always open.

In addition to the above, I also need the charger everywhere I go. I am constantly checking my blog for comments, and other’s blogs to read which results in battery drainage in half the time.

I have learnt to post from phone and tab. Everywhere I go, I click pictures keeping my blog in mind.

I almost missed a train because I was blogging. I missed a movie, a date, a dinner, shopping on weekend, all because I was more interested in the blog than any of these.

When people comment, I go to their link and check what they posted. I have had a few followers, and I started following a few blogs. As a result, I have constant relationship with my phone and laptop.

There are a few one-time visitors and some who regularly drop by. The regular ones have become my friend and guides. Whereas, I have not met a single friend in these days. A few that I have spoken to, I have only talked about how great it is to blog and read.

In short, I might be losing my presence in the real world, I have a relationship with my gadgets and I have a new virtual family.

P.s. Do you face similar issues that label you as anti-social? Please feel free to share about them.


  1. What a cute post. Yes, we're a bit crazy in the blogging world...welcome! *wink*

  2. No , I wouldn't say anti-social but am left with little time as reading others blogs consumed most of my time. but now am curtailing.nice and true post. After signing for UBC, my blogs are getting a bit of attention. loving it.

    1. am learning to balance...hope in next 13 days i will learn that too :)

  3. I am amused because I have gone through this too, even though this is my first time with the UBC. My first experience was with the A to Z challenge in April. But in the end it is worth it, for the hits and comments, as also the new friends you make.
    Having said that, I shall be glad to see the 1st of August dawn.

    1. I guess we'll be happy that we completed but a little sad that it is over...

  4. I LOVE UBC, it's such a great idea. I didn't used to get half of the blog views/ comments that I do now! It's a lovely little bloggers community! I feel sorry for the person that you were having a date with! *Whoops!*

  5. I know Sugandha.. If I am not working late hrs in office then I am reading blogs while travelling and start posting comments the min I reach home.. My phone doesnt support posting and commenting..so yeah..it is different,..but I guess..we will learn to manage it all soon..more multitasking in times to come :)

    1. Mutitasking indeed...I read blog even in my office hours *sigh*

  6. I am definitely more social here in the blogging world as compared to the real world. Posting every single day is tough. Today I really met a road block but I am determined to see it through to the end.


  7. oh yes. I am completely anti-social!!
    I am more social, much more friendly online...
    But, that's because I don't have any great friends here...
    I have enjoyed UBC too and its been amazing and such a humbling experience to find and befriend so many bloggers! :)

  8. hehe, it is normal to happen. My blog related websites are also always open now. guess, i don't have much of offline friends so its ok to make online ones.

    And you will soon learn to manage. UBC is great for us actually.

    1. I agree about UBC being great...and yes it is great to have a few online friends.

  9. No i have not missed anything because of the UBC thankfully... but yes i agree with you that my readership has increased...and most of all I have got to read good and new blogs for myself... it has been a gr8 journey so far :)

  10. Lucky you :)
    so only the good things have happened to you, that's nice...touch wood.

  11. sometimes I feel that my blackberry will threaten to suicide if I don't stop blogging. Poor soul is always being used even while being plugged into charging :D :D


    1. There are kindles and tabs, there should also be a device for blogging :D


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