
Aug 4, 2013

To the girls I love the most...

Some of my posts in July have revolved around my best friend’s wedding and this friendship day (otherwise I find the concept a bit over-hyped) I get a bit nostalgic over the years spent with the friends who have been with me through most of my life.

16 years ago, as I entered in a new school, I didn’t know a soul. However, very soon (for as long as I remember) we were friends. There were many more but somehow our friendship survived the bruises and the first heartbreaks. It lived through the gossips and confusions. It strengthened over secrets and utmost care.

I fondly remember the five years we spent together in the same school before moving on to separate cities in order to pursue our careers. At several times, two of us have lived in same town and have managed to have good times but nothing can beat the years of growing up together.

Years of our early teens, years when we had our first crushes, when studies were the most hated things, when Sidney Sheldon novels were the most prized possessions, when we helped each other write silly notes and letters, years when our friends were our first family.

I remember not really agreeing to an opinion but still continuing because my friends believed. I remember three of us being punished together because neither of us names the actual culprit. I remember the attempts to cover up others faults in front of teachers and parents.

Both my friends are now happily married. They have a family of their own but I can proudly say we are still part of eachother’s family.

Here is the message for the day to the girls I love the most.

16 years of knowing each other, living through thick and thin, from school examinations to wedding mandaps, from wow results to lifetime girls have made my life beautiful, lively, at times terrible, but overall possible to look back and smile at memories...All I can say is, "Those were the best days of my life" is to years and years of togetherness and many more to come....cheers to our friendship. Happy friendship day :)

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. May your friendship thrive year after year. All the best for the contest.

  2. Having a good friend is a treasure. Cheers to this beautiful relation.

  3. happy frdship day:-)
    good post for gud frnds :-)


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