
Aug 25, 2013

Day 14 - The fault in our stars by John Green

Although I am once again three days late with my project 30 days 30 books and already running out of suggestions for reviews, I am hoping that I’ll be able to finally complete the project on 30th day.

For Day 14 of my project, I am reviewing a book that I just read. “The Fault in our Stars” by John Green was published in 2012.

In the words of the narrator, it is a not a cancer book. Out of several books that are available on cancer patients who fight and survive, or who fight till the end, the fault in our stars is the one that takes you by surprise.

The story revolves around a sixteen year old cancer patient Hazel, who is forced by her parents to attend support group where she meets Augustus, which changes rest of her life completely.

The book is witty, crisp and fast moving. Both the characters are itched out wonderfully. The author has taken extreme care to ensure that we do not end up pitying the cancer patient.

It’s a love story; it’s a book lover’s story. It is a wonderful teenage story. It is also an adult story.

Quick, engrossing, touching and humorous, this book is a good read if you have had a long reading break and really can’t pick up reading again. I’d rate the book 3 out of 5. 

You can read Day 13 review of Calvin & Hobbes here


  1. You are doing an excellent work and half way through your project. Am sure you will lead this to completion. Best of luck.

    1. Thanks Abhra, though it is getting really tough now :(


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