
Aug 21, 2013

Day 13 - Calvin and Hobbes - Reviewing the best comic strips ever

Did you read Calvin and Hobbes ever? Well! I have. And not only read it but read it like bible. I have read Calvin and Hobbes at least five times and can still read more. That’s why I decided to bring you my review of C&H for Day 13 of my project 30 days 30 books.

Over 3000 comic strips illustrated daily by genius Bill Watterson which revolved around the craziest eight year old “Calvin” and his stuffed tiger “Hobbes”.
If you have read it, you would know what I am talking about and you think maybe I am silly enough to review a cartoon series so famous. But if you are one of those few people to whom I can give my best “aww poor you” expressions because you haven’t read it please go and read it “NOW”

Of course you can’t read all the strips in one go, but all strips can be found in one place in three awesomest (I know that isn’t the word, but just awesome won’t do) books.

I don’t own those books. Why? Because if I do, I will read it till I memorize each and every strip.

My favorite character – Calvin? No. My favorite character of C&H is Susie. Witty, smart (smarter than Calvin), crazy, she is the only one who can beat Calvin in his own game.

Be it the summers or the new year, friendship day or valentine, C&H has a strip that is apt for the day. There is nothing in this world that 5-10 comic strips of C&H can’t fix for me.

Calvin is the craziest, wackiest kid you have ever met. Of course he is loving and caring (at least for Hobbes) but the imaginary world and snapping answers are something that make you laugh and admire the kid.

Hobbes, who is an innocent stuffed tiger who is personified by Calvin and is cutest thing you can come across. A partner in crime, innocent game when caught, he is the best mate for Calvin.

I always wish Bill Watterson never stopped illustrating or gave animation rights for the strips to be developed in movies so that I could watch it every day.

Also, I wish to have a C&H library, a t.shirt with Calvin, a mug, a wall paper and everything else that has to do with C&H. Basically, you wanna cheer me up, impress me, help me, love me, be friends with me…you can get me anything that has to do anything with C&H and I will be in love with you.

For me each and every strip is 5/5.

Please take out time to read Day 12 review of The Hungry Tide.


  1. Hehe....m a huge fan too!! Never expected to read a review of C&H! They can make u smile any day of the week!

    Commendable task you've taken up..all the very best! Will chk out previous reviews n see if something interests me! :)

    1. Thanks Aditi....even i thought that C&H never needed a review, until I came across couple of people who hadnt heard about it ever...

  2. Nothing to beat C&H !

  3. My fav. too. I wonder if I will ever get tired of them. :)


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